Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Advertise through Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is a way to advertise and promote a product and or a service and it is the less expensive strategy to use. Advertising through word of mouth is a good technique to create awareness among people about a product and or service from a company. Word of mouth is also a good strategy for companies to influence the way people think about their product and or service. Because word of mouth is one of the most powerful ways to influence the way other people think, it is very important for companies to create a positive environment and to have a good reputation. Influence on people can be positive or negative depending on the quality of the services and products that the company offers; therefore, if a company relies mostly in word of mouth, the company needs to satisfy people’s needs and wants in all aspects. People are able to create their own message by saying anything they want to say and the way they want to say it. In order to communicate a message, you need a type of media, and word of mouth is the media that you use to control and share the message with anyone you want.

If you are thinking about your own business and don’t want to spend too much money advertising and creating awareness among people, think about a way you can create a social network so people communicate the message to other people through word of mouth. Whenever a friend talks to you about a place, product, or service, he/she is advertising through word of mouth and no one is paying him/her to advertise. People will encourage other people to buy or not to buy a product or and service depending on his/her experience. A person creates and controls his/her own message and delivers it the way he/she wants. There are negative and positive messages created through word of mouth and it depends on how the message gets delivered to create an impact on the person who is listening to the message. For example, if your friend tells you “don’t ever go to that place because it’s not worth it”, you’ll be wondering what makes that place that terrible; therefore, you’ll end up going so you can find out what it is about that place that made your friend so disappointed. In the other hand, if your friend recommends you a place to go, or a product to buy, you will probably considered it because you already heard good things about either the place you want to go, or the product you want to buy.

To conclude, I think that every business should create a social network through word of mouth. It is very important to have good reputation so people can say good things about your product or service. If a business doesn’t get advertise through word of mouth, it will be complicated for a business to succeed because businesses need to think about people at all time. Also, through word of mouth, you don’t only create awareness but also you persuade people to do something.

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